Students can have a tough time communicating with their group and keeping track of all their files. Running around the internet trying to see if your teammate completed their section of the project can be exhausting and ruin any momentum you’ve built up for the work day. You ask your teammates to put all their work in the group Dropbox or Google Drive folder, but how are you supposed to put a Figma or Canva file into Dropbox?
Our Goal
Give students and coworkers a platform to keep all their cloud-based work in one easy-to-find place
Make using Gjourn individualized for every group
Support groupwork through making Gjourn as simple as possible while providing the functionality needed to make it worth using
From the results of our interviews and survey, we created an empathy map and affinity map to group together some main ideas. These were the top concerns we gathered.
– Students had a tough time balancing multiple group projects at once, either getting them mixed up with each other or having trouble communicating timely with so many people
– Students had issues keeping track of everyone’s work for any particular project, especially if a lack of communication was present
– Students had trouble using multiple web services for one group, as necessary work could be on any particular service
From our testing of this paper prototype, we were able to learn some critical information about our product:
– Users were confused how they could create new teams
– There was an overall lack of unuqueness with the design language
– Users were confused on differnces betweeen “Team” and “Folder” sections